Integrative Life Coaching Approach

There are many different types of coaching and coach today and the choice is increasingly bewildering. What is best for you may not suit another person.  I have attempted to describe in brief how Integrative Life Coaching is different from many other types of coaching and I hope you will find this helpful.

Unlike some coaching services, Integrative Life Coaching is a fully tailored service and therefore does not offer "standard fixed duration packages", instant solutions and superficial tips for your situation.  It is also not a training programme or course. Neither is this a service that merely analyses and categorises you according to some pre-determined inventory before delivering a "programme" to deal with your "type". You will also not find yourself listening to motivational speeches that can make you feel good for a few weeks. These approaches may have their place and may benefit some people in some situations. Finally, this is not counselling or psychotherapy and does not attempt to replace these services.

Instead, Integrative Life Coaching offers a subtle, sophisticated approach to coaching.  It does not rely on one method but blends a variety of approaches to meet your individual needs as they evolve throughout the coaching process, enabling us to identify and use what works best for you at that moment.  This dynamically tailored approach aims to meet your individual process and style preferences so that we can optimise your coaching experience and maximise the prospect of a positive outcome for a wide range of coaching issues for you.  So, the approach really does depend on what you need.

Some coaches attempt to tell clients what to do or offer strong direction, sometimes based on their own expertise, ideas and values.  Whilst a directive approach may be appropriate sometimes, it can limit the client's development by encouraging an avoidance of responsbility and a dependency on the coaching relationship.  In contrast, I have a strong preference for non-directive coaching as this recognises that the answers to your questions will often lie within you.  My role in the coaching relationship is therefore primarily facilitative rather than advisory.

When needed, I will facilitate the identification, development and evaluation of multiple perspectives and options, although the power of decision will always remain with you.  Even if you feel you need more guidance, I will first help you tap into the power of your natural creativity, intuition and wisdom.  I will also offer support, encouragement and firm challenge, as needed, with empathy and compassion and without judgement.

As I will not advise you or tell you what to do or not to do, you need to be willing to take responsibility for yourself, your actions, your ongoing development and for the tremendous power that can be released from within you through this coaching process.

If you feel this flexible approach can benefit your life, please contact me to discuss your situation.

Alternatively, you can continue to browse this website for more information about me or the Services I offer.