Personal Life Coaching

Integrative Life Coaching can enable you to identify and develop your personal authenticity and release hidden potential, regardless of your background or occupation. This tailored, empirical process does not require you to have identified goals before starting coaching.

In practice, the stimulus for considering hiring a life coach may arise from a specific situation in your life today.  Examples of typical issues that Personal Life Coaching can help you with include:

- finding a new direction in life

- deciding what you really want and setting appropriate goals

- identifying personal values and taking action to live in accordance with them

- generating and sustaining motivation on important goals 

- developing greater self-awareness

- building self-esteem and self-confidence

- improving relationships within a family, with a partner, at work and socially

- improving your work/life/health balance

- managing stress / anxiety and finding constructive ways to relax

- job / career-related issues

- managing or responding to change & uncertainty

- moving forward when feeling frustrated, trapped or stuck

- overcoming difficulties in making decisions

- managing priorities / time management

- addressing spiritual needs

- development of creative options and solutions for practical problems 

Please note that Integrative Life Coaching is not a replacement for medical treatment, counselling or psychotherapy.

To discuss your situation or for more information, please contact Dr Nilay Pandit.